

View our informative videos below.

Settlement Agreements

Gareth Brahams, Managing Partner

Remuneration arrangements for financial services executives, fund managers and insurance professionals can be especially complicated; we have a great deal of experience in ensuring that they are properly dealt with in a settlement agreement. We are used to dealing with LTIPs, share options, restricted shares, carried interest, sweet equity, and complex bonus arrangements involving good/bad leaver status. And crucially, we take the protection of your professional reputation very seriously.

Sexual Harassment

Claire Dawson, Partner

BDBF are specialists in advising individuals who have experienced sexual harassment at work, as well as advising individuals accused of sexual harassment. We act for senior employees and partners from sectors such as finance, insurance, law, healthcare and technology. By instructing us, you can be confident that we have the knowledge, experience, and insight to protect your best interests. Our team of specialist lawyers have extensive experience of advising senior employees and partners in this situation and understand the sensitivity and support required. We understand how stressful it can be to raise or face such accusations and we will work with you to achieve the best possible result.


Nick Wilcox, Partner

If you see any wrongdoing or malpractice in your place of work, the thought of blowing the whistle can be daunting. But by raising your concerns to management, you are acting courageously and honourably, in the best interests of your employer, other workers, and yourself. If you are ready to blow the whistle at work, or have already, let BDBF guide you on the best way forward. If you decide to proceed, we will help ensure that you do so in a way which affords you protection under UK whistleblowing laws.


Paula Chan, Partner

Redundancy can be an unsettling experience. However, with the right guidance, and by identifying the key questions to ask your employer during redundancy consultations, it can be carefully navigated and even turned to your advantage. BDBF will ensure that your employer follows the fair and proper process which you are entitled to.

Pay & Bonus Disputes

Clare Brereton, Partner

Bonuses are often a significant feature in an employee’s renumeration package, so experiencing issues with payment of your bonus can have a considerable impact on your earnings and leave you feeling frustrated and confused. Even if your bonuses are said to be ‘discretionary’, you still have rights. BDBF have a long and successful track record of helping senior employees receive what they legitimately expected to receive, including in the context of long-term incentive plans and other deferred remuneration schemes.

Team Moves & Restrictive Covenants

Tom McLaughlin, Managing Associate

If you are considering a move to a competitor company, either alone or with colleagues, you need the right legal advice to maximise the opportunity and protect your best interests. BDBF can help you make the move with confidence.

Family Friendly Rights

Emily Plosker, Managing Associate

BDBF are experts in family friendly rights, including pregnancy, maternity, shared parental leave and flexible working. Our expert team of employment lawyers are highly skilled at negotiating arrangements that really work for our clients. If things do not work out, we then aim to obtain a fair exit package from employers, who ultimately have failed to reconcile their aspirational policies with the reality of treating maternity returners, requests for flexible working, and shared parental leave with the fairness they are due.

Call with confidence and we’ll take care of it

If you need employment law advice and wish to speak to one of our specialist employment lawyers, call us on +44(0)20 3828 0350 or fill out our online enquiry form.