Advice and representation for individuals
Our job is not simply about knowing the law - it is also about using our experience to resolve your challenging employment law issues. Our advice and representation is tailored to your seniority and specialist industry.
How we help employees and partners in high value and high stakes negotiations and disputes
We deploy our leading reputation, high success rate in litigation and expertise to make important judgment calls at the right time, and to give you the fire power that can transform a difficult legal and personal situation into something truly positive ideally by negotiation, but, if required, by litigation.
We typically act for bankers, investment and insurance professionals and others employed in the financial services industry; C-suite executives in industry; and for professionals working in law, medicine, and consulting. Our opponents in recent years include Barclays, Goldman Sachs, Standard Chartered, UBS and Credit Suisse together with a number of the major hedge funds and asset managers, private equity firms, FTSE 100 companies, large US technology firms, major law and consulting partnerships and the NHS. Our aim is to get the best outcome for you to enable you to move on successfully with your career.

We are experienced and adept at dealing with tough adversaries. Our clients’ employers have the resources to instruct top solicitors, often from Magic Circle firms. We have a well-deserved reputation for taking on (and beating) some of the world’s most prestigious and powerful companies; such is our commitment to achieving our clients’ objectives. You can read more about our client successes here.
Our solicitors have particular expertise in representing employees from the financial services, insurance, medical, and technology sectors, as well as senior staff of multi-national corporates. Our commercial acumen, coupled with in-depth knowledge of the challenges our clients are up against due to the seniority of their role, and the culture and regulations that govern them allows us to achieve successful outcomes in the majority of cases.
All of our employment lawyers are robust negotiators, and they have experience of obtaining the best deals for clients in receipt of settlement agreements or facing disputes regarding their remuneration packages including deferred compensation and bonus. For the sake of our clients, we believe in working towards a settlement, keeping matters outside of the Employment Tribunal or High Court and therefore away from the media. However, after exploring all reasonable alternatives with you, if litigation proves inevitable, our fearless, creative and reputed employment litigators will put you in the strongest possible position to launch and win your claim.
Despite our success, we choose to remain a small firm with quality lawyers, dedicated to our clients, with whom we partner to get the best results. By instructing us, you can be confident that you will not be treated as another ‘fee’, but rather, you will receive a smart, engaged, responsive service, and a solid commitment to protecting your career and professional reputation.
Sector Expertise
Advice and representation for individuals
Disability Discrimination
At BDBF, we have extensive experience and expertise in advising senior employees, directors and partners in sensitive, complex and high value disability discrimination disputes.
Employment Discrimination
Employment Discrimination, bullying or harassment at work can leave anyone feeling fearful and vulnerable. Our empathetic team will support you and help resolve the situation.
Employment Litigation
Entering into litigation with an employer can be daunting. With our experience and reputation for winning employment disputes against large employers in high stakes claims, we will confidently guide you through all stages of the litigation process.
Facing Allegations of Sexual Harassment at Work
Sexual harassment in the workplace takes place where a person engages in conduct of a sexual nature which is unwanted and has the purpose or effect of violating another person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
Facing Sexual Harassment at Work
Our team of employment lawyers are specialists in advising individuals who have experienced sexual harassment at work.
Family Friendly Rights
All employees have a right to take some time off to have children without their job being at risk. We will help you secure and protect your rights by advising you while you are expecting, during your parental leave, and once you are ready to return to work.
FCA Regulatory
If you work in UK financial services, the likelihood is you are regulated by the FCA, subject to its Code of Conduct, and required to be ‘fit and proper’ (or ‘F&P’) to do your job.
Pay and Bonus Disputes
Have you been denied a bonus you were rightfully expecting, or have you been paid significantly less than you should have? By engaging us, we will fight for what you are owed.
Permanent Health Insurance & Group Income Protection
Our lawyers have experience of making applications under PHI and GIP policies, appealing decisions from insurers and achieving favourable settlement outcomes for those who no longer wish to be tied to a long-term illness policy.
Poor Performance or Misconduct
If you have been accused of gross misconduct or poor performance, the job you have worked in tirelessly may be in jeopardy. Our lawyers can help to protect your hard-won professional reputation and career prospects.
Pregnancy and Maternity Rights
Our lawyers are experts in pregnancy and maternity discrimination claims, including in cases involving promotion and pay. If you have been mistreated by your employer, we will do everything we can to fight your corner and help you achieve the outcome you deserve.
Raising Concerns about Work Issues (Grievances)
If you have a complaint, concern, or problem at work, speak to our team. We will protect your legal position with a clear and robust grievance letter, and advise you throughout the grievance process.
Recruitment and Promotion
Securing a new job is exciting, but it can be all too easy to overlook the fine legal details of your new position. By engaging our team before accepting the role, we will ensure that your new contract is in your best interests, not just that of your employer.
Settlement Agreements and Brokering Severances
A settlement agreement lays out the terms on which you will leave your employment. It is necessary to seek a lawyer’s advice to ensure your best interests are protected and to help secure the best deal for you.
Stress at Work
Excessive levels of stress due to an employee’s working conditions, such that it has caused, or is causing, them to become unwell. By instructing us, you can be confident that we have the knowledge, experience, and insight to protect your best interests.
Takeovers, Mergers & TUPE
If your employer has been bought by or merged with another company, or if they have lost a contract you were solely engaged to work on, we can help to protect your job.
Team Moves & Restrictive Covenant
Are you thinking of moving to a competitor company or setting up on your own? You need the right legal advice to maximise the opportunity in front of you, and advice on any restrictions in your employment contract or LLP agreement to protect your best interests. We can help you make the move with confidence.
Unfair Dismissals & Redundancy
Everyone has a right to be treated fairly at work. If you have been dismissed for no fair reason, or have resigned due to unreasonable treatment, we will protect your rights and negotiate the terms of your exit to obtain the best deal for you.