
Advice and representation for individuals

Takeovers, Mergers and TUPE

If your employer has been bought out by or merged with another company, or if they have lost a contract you were solely engaged to work on, you will most likely feel a considerable lack of control and uncertainty regarding your job. And you will rightfully want to know if you will be made redundant, if your career is at risk, and will you be paid what you are owed.

In the event of company takeovers or mergers, the law protects employees under a set of regulations known as TUPE. The TUPE regulations protect you from being dismissed because of a business transfer and give you the right to be informed and consulted before the transfer goes ahead.

If your employment is transferred and you are kept on, the new employer may also want to change certain terms and conditions of your employment to match those of existing employees. This is known as ‘harmonisation’ and, from a legal perspective, it is hard for an employer to achieve. We will ensure you understand the real legal situation so that you are fully informed throughout the process.

We will give you honest, straightforward, and pragmatic advice on your rights under TUPE, and help you ensure those rights are upheld, so the merger, takeover, or loss of contract ultimately leads to the best possible outcome for you.

Call with confidence and we’ll take care of it

If you need employment law advice and wish to speak to one of our specialist employment lawyers, call us on +44(0)20 3828 0350 or fill out our online enquiry form.