
Advice and representation for individuals

Resisting Accusations of Poor Performance or Misconduct

Few things are more stressful than being accused by your employer of poor performance or misconduct. We can immediately take the pressure off you and turn it back on your employer by ensuring that they put in place all necessary procedural safeguards. 

We will make sure that you are given a full chance to state your case and that you are measured fairly and consistently against your peers. If you want to stay, we will ensure that you are given a genuine and fair opportunity to improve. If you would rather leave, we will negotiate with your employer to secure a favourable severance payment.

An accusation of gross misconduct or incompetence may not only cost you your job and lead to an unfair or constructive dismissal claim, but it could harm the rest of your career. We will do everything we can to protect you from that.

Our employment lawyers have seen hundreds of misconduct and poor performance situations from both sides. If you are summoned to a meeting regarding such allegations, our experience will be invaluable in putting you in the best position possible.

We have a long track record of helping clients who have been accused of reputation-destroying allegations, such as harassment, fraud or regulatory breaches.

We can help present your case persuasively to your employer, allowing them to see the allegations are untrue, or at least do not warrant dismissal.

Even if your employer cannot be moved, our advice will put you in the strongest possible legal position to launch an unfair, constructive or wrongful dismissal claim in the Employment Tribunal or High Court. We will guide you through the process, with the aim of clearing your reputation and securing the compensation you deserve.

Call with confidence and we’ll take care of it

If you need employment law advice and wish to speak to one of our specialist employment lawyers, call us on +44(0)20 3828 0350 or fill out our online enquiry form.