
International Women’s Day 2023 – Spotlight on: Hannah Lynn

Throughout this week we will be hearing insight and words of wisdom from our BDBF team and finding out what this day, devoted to celebrating the achievements of women and seeking gender equality, means to them. Today we will be hearing from BDBF Associate Hannah Lynn.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you and why is it important?

International Women’s Day is a day where we celebrate women around the world and all they have contributed to society. To me this means that we celebrate women’s achievements, but also recognise how hard they have worked to get there. This includes acknowledging the strive for equality, knowing what women have done to achieve this so far and knowing what is needed to continue.

It is important to celebrate what women have achieved regarding gender parity, but also important to acknowledge what more needs to be done.

Tell us about your female role models.

There are really too many female role models to mention, but this year I would like to shout out all of the women who I work with (Polly, Paula, Amanda, Sam, Emily, Blair and Shirley) who are juggling life as mothers as well as their careers. They all make balancing their roles look seamless while also working incredibly hard and always there when you need them. They are such an inspiration for me as I look to progress in my career.

In your opinion, what more can be done to promote equity in the workplace? 
There are so many things employers can do to promote equity in the workplace, but the key is for employers to be aware of unconscious bias. Especially in the recruitment process or when looking to promote individuals or give remuneration reviews. This is something that can be overlooked with serious consequences for women. Employers should look to be robust in all decision making and always taking the time to reflect if unconscious bias has got in the way of decision making.

Finally, tell us about a professional goal or achievement that you are proud of, and what (or who) inspired you to go for it?

I am very proud that I was elected as the ELA Junior Committee member on the Management Committee and in turn the Head of the Junior Committee. This means I am directly involved with helping shape the future experiences of employment lawyers, which is something I am very passionate about. I would never have applied for this position (or thought I was able to do it) without the encouragement of my peers, Cerys Mather and Georgina Churchhouse and Theo Nicou. I am very grateful and lucky to be surrounded by inspiring women and men.
